I Have Something to Share (LETTER FROM NEPAL 🇳🇵)

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Published at : November 30, 2021

Letter from Nepal (PART 1)
This has been one of the most difficult adventures of my life. But no matter how difficult the journey may have been, it was a beautiful experience and one that will be cherished in my memories forever. Today's video takes place in the Everest Base camp Trekking Region as a group of vloggers come together from all over the world to compete in the World Vlog Challenge and see how far they can make it in this demanding hike.Vlog 607

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Tsonggo Merch:
(For USA and other countries) DM @charryDasovich on Instagram
(For Phillipines) tsongandtsonggo.com

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Cinematography Credits:
Dreamy Brolls by Soumesh: https://www.youtube.com/c/camerawalebhaiya
Gimble shots by Breezy: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCxa7mvOkmqHolPyhcFjcHIA
FPV Drone: https://www.youtube.com/c/MrSteeleFPV
Normal Drone: https://www.youtube.com/c/KraigAdams I Have Something to Share (LETTER FROM NEPAL 🇳🇵)
nepaleverestmt. everest